From 31 October to 1 November 2013
Open Government Partnership (OGP) Annual Summit is being held in London. The participants of the event have introduced each other with implemented achievements designated to government transparency and accountability in their own countries.
At the final stage of the summit, the winner country of the competition will be named, which will be awarded with Bright Spots prize. On 16 October, 2013 Georgia was nominated by the Cabinet of the United Kingdom among the seven shortlisted entries for the Bright Spots awards.
Georgia is nominated in the competition for enactment of the legislation of proactive disclosure of public information. The process of drafting the decree was initiated by Civil Society Organizations and aimed at improving the access to information.
The winner success story will be identified through online survey. You can vote
at the following link until 8 p.m, November 1, 2013.
Other participants of the competition include: Chile, Indonesia, Estonia, Montenegro, Philippines and Romania.