Digital Storytelling for Peaceful Coexistence

Projects | Current Projects 15 April 2024





Project name: Digital Storytelling for Peaceful Coexistence (DSPC)

Donor organization: The Civic Innovation Fund

Leading organization: YSU Center of Innovational Social Research

Total budget: 1.500 euros

Duration: 15.04.2024 - 30.06.2024


The DSPC project is a transformative initiative aimed at fostering empathy and promoting reconciliation among historically conflict-impacted European communities.

The project will produce a collection of compelling stories that will challenge deep-rooted biases and promote a common understanding of the past.

By collecting and sharing personal narratives of individuals affected by wars and conflicts, the DSPC project seeks to bridge societal divides and inspire meaningful dialogues.

At its core, the project centers around a user-friendly digital platform where these diverse narratives will be hosted and made accessible to the public. 


Activities Carried Out Withing the Project