Within the framework of the 4th international conference, Ian Rachinskii held a public lecture.

News | Memory and Disinformation Studies | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 19 December 2022

On December 17, 2022, throughout the 4th International Conference - "The importance of openness of state archives in reevaluating the Soviet past and standing against propaganda", the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) organized a visit to the city of Gori and Kaspi museum of occupation. 


The meetings were attended by conference speakers, students, representatives of the archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and various organizations, who, together with representatives of IDFI, visited the memorial of heroes who died for the motherland in Abkhazia and Samachablo, the museum of fighting fame, the Eristavi theatre and samples of street art in the city of Gori. The participants, together with local and visiting students, had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities and materials created within the framework of the "Alternative identity for the city of Gori" project. The participants took part in the "Alternative Identity of Gori" tour organized by IDFI.


Later, in the occupation museum in the Kaspi school-gymnasium, which is located in the former police building of the Soviet times, the Chairman of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate historical, educational and human rights society - International Memorial, Ian Rachinskii hold a public lecture. He spoke about the course of repression, its scale and the features of compiling statistics. Ian Rachinskii also underlined the dynamics of repression from 1921 to the Great Terror - 1937-1938, during the Great Terror and after the Great Terror to 1953.


It is worth noting that in the basement of the Kaspi school gymnasium building, during the Soviet Union, a pre-trial detention centre was set up, where, with the efforts of the school, was established the museum of the Soviet occupation of Kaspi.


There are two exhibition halls in the museum - the information posted on the banners tells us the stories of the repressions and the wars that took place from the establishment of the Bolshevik regime to the August war of 2008, which cost many lives.


At the end of the public lecture, the audience had the opportunity to state their opinions on the lecture topic and ask questions. 



The public lecture was organized with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).


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