Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) with the collaboration of Bremen University and with the financial assistance of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany are implementing the project: Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 – Strengthening Public Involvement (ZigB).The project aims to give rise the interest of various groups of civil society and extension of knowledge about Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Georgia “Georgia-2020” approved by the government, in order the civil society to be more involved in the discussions for the future. One of the components of the project is involvement of the active users of social-media.
Ketevan Krialashvili was actively involved in the “Georgia 2020” project from the selection stage of the participants.
Keti created blog specially for this project, which had 3100 visitors. Her first activity was presentation about “Georgia 2020”. Then she discussed “Georgia 2020” with her students and asked them to express their opinion regarding the document. Discussion was held via social network.
Keti analyzed different issues about “Georgia 2020” and she was actively involved in project’s activities.
1. Current Rate of GEL
“The real reasons, having impact on currency change of GEL, according to the above-mentioned factors cannot be confirmed. Accordingly, it is still unknown why the deficit of dollar in the local market is, is it conditioned from huge outflow of the capital or this is for some reason speculated on purpose. Is the strategy in conformity, if on the one hand it focuses on importance of freely floating currency exchange and on the second hand, adds importance of keeping law rate of real currency strengthening, remaining stable thanks to interference of national bank not because of economic factors. Her comments about this matter were published in journal “Gza”.
2. Association Agreement and Georgia’s Export
“Integration of Georgian business to international market will increase stimuli of producers and this will pro rata cause transition of high value added production export.”
3. Development of Export and Diversification of Market – Russia, as Georgia’s Trade Partner
“Newly opened Russian markets, also Georgia’s preferential benefits are very important for both Russia and Georgia. They play important role in further diversification of market according to the terms of association.”
4. Prime-Minister Is Interested in Reform of Retirement Savings System
“Reform in long-term period means forming retirement savings system and this in turn will provide future generation of pensioners with high retirement income.”
5. Research Methodology of Minimum Wage Should Be Revised
“Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia announced on 19th of January, 2015 that research methodology of minimum wage should be revised and therefore, ministry is starting work on it.”
6. What is Jenny’s Coefficient?
“All countries community sector is concerned with inequality of population’s income. Least developed countries are mostly characterized by this. Indicators of income inequality, a high level of Jenny’s Coefficient, also exist in least developed countries.
7. PM Presents Georgia at World Economic Forum – The Role of World Economic Forum and Evaluation of Future Perspectives in “Georgia Today”.
8. Government is Working on Export Promotion Program
“Decrease in export, increase in import and deterioration of trade balance indicates that inflow of foreign currency is reduced and its outflow has increased.”
9. Youth strategy within “Georgia 2020”
Implementation of all above named programs is meant within the “Georgia 2020”, but still youth programs should be separately planned, worked on, because it will ensure their employment, success and successful self-realization.
10. Why It Is necessary to Establish the Pension System and What Do We Need for It
Radio “Tavisufleba”:
“Pension reform is one of the long-term reforms, not implemented yet in Georgia. Last year, on 30th of December model of private pension saving system was discussed on Economic Council, the meeting was headed by Prime Minister. This ensures the future generation in long time perspective with high retirement income.”
11. The Lowest Salaries Are in Education Sector – Radio “Komersanti”
12. Stimulation of Georgia’s Export in Conditions of Comprehensive Trading
“Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area is an opportunity for Georgia to develop production and services according to appropriate standards and provisions. Step by step gain access to developed, 500 million market by right regulations and changes in legislation, also with the right economic policy and promotion of business development.”
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