
In 2018-2022, IDFI was certified as equivalent to a U.S. public charity by NGOsource. The unique NGOsource ED repository allows US-based grantmakers to access IDFI’s existing legal analysis and ED certificate and issue grants to the organization with simplified procedures.

Project Donor Period Budget Contract
Advancing Open Data Standards and Promoting Open Data Use in Georgia International Media Support (IMS) 2022 € 22.619

Project Title: Advancing Open Data Standards and Promoting Open Data Use in Georgia
Donor: International Media Support (IMS)
Budget: 22.619 EUR
Duration: June 1-November 30, 2022


Summary of Project and Activities:


Despite Georgia’s achievements in making more public data available over the past years, observations of local and international organizations show that the country necessitates improved legislation on access to public information and adoption of open data standards.


The project aims to advocate for the improvement of FOI regulation in the country through multistakeholder dialogue and sharing best practices with Georgian public servants. In addition, to ensure greater public support on the issue, IDFI will promote the use of open data among various stakeholders.


IDFI will implement the following activities in frames of the proposed project:


Activity 1. Preparatory stage  - At the first phase of the project, IDFI will plan/prepare all organizational or methodological documents/issues, which ensure that all project activities are implemented on time and with high quality.


Activity 2.    FOI advocacy meeting -   IDFI will organize an advocacy meeting with the participation of Georgian civil society, public institutions, journalists, academia, and the international community to discuss the need for the improvement of legislation and practice in Georgia.


Activity 3.   Preparing and disseminating analyses -  IDFI will prepare two analyses to demonstrate major legislative, institutional, and practical gaps/needs in terms of access to open data in Georgia based on international rankings and reports, with a particular focus on the Global Data Barometer, published in May 2022.  


Activity 4. Organizing Workshops -  To better advocate our recommendations and inform public institutions as well as civil society and private sector representatives on major needs and particular gaps for Georgia in terms of the availability of open data, IDFI will organize two workshops with their participation.


Activity 5.  Open Data Contest -     In order to promote the use of open data for government accountability and the public good, IDFI will organize its annual contest on analytical articles on the topic of #Data4Change.


Project Activities and Budget


Grant agreement

The project aims to advocate for the improvement of FOI regulation in the country through multistakeholder dialogue and sharing best practices with Georgian public servants.

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Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 2 Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 2022 GEL 47,310



Project title: Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 2

Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID

Budget: GEL 47,310

Duration: 02.05.2022 -  26.07.2022


Disinformation narratives that are primarily based on the sentiments and nostalgia towards Stalin in Shida Kartli have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to play a key role in the region's identity and self-identification. Due to the constant instrumentalization of Stalin's legacy, the region is still nurtured by the myths surrounding Stalin.

Considering the above-mentioned issue,  it is important to contribute to the de-escalation of the deepening nostalgia towards Stalin and Soviet times and to intervene in passing on these views to future generations without any critical approach. The identity of Gori being this intertwined with Stalin’s figure (both internal and external perceptions) does not allow the citizens to imagine a different positioning of their region or alternative means of developing its tourism potential. The project’s approach is to not only deliver the idea to the local population but more importantly, to incorporate them, as the main audience of the project, in creating and upholding this renewed narrative.


As an outcome, an alternative visual platform will be created. Hence, the project will highlight hitherto unknown people, locations, places of memory of trauma and triumph, and important moments in the (pre-Soviet or independent to Soviet regime) history of the city. While creating and promoting the materials, the local youth and vulnerable groups (e.g.IDP people) will be engaged and informed on the development of the project making their city’s historical identity relevant for them. As a result, the local stories, merits, narratives of trauma, and victories become important driving forces and the central element of social identity in the center of Shida Kartli.


In the second stage of the project, the short stories will be created based on the research materials collected by now. Moreover, the visual materials will be incorporated into the short infographic videos based on the stories and archival research. The second stage of the project will provide the materials that will then be printed and located around the city, marked with QR codes. The online and physical spaces are meant to popularise the alternative and at times forgotten history of the city/region among the local population and the guests of the city.


The project will also contribute to the generational dialogue, engaging the teachers and students in discussing their city, its unique history, and alternative identity. The “identity map” and corresponding informational banners/items displayed across the town will serve as a starting point for kicking off the dialogue.


The product of the project will be sustainable insofar as the physical map will be disseminated in public and so will be the digital map. The product  ( in a physical form across the city and online format) will be available for the tourist groups, local teachers and interested part of the society at any given moment.



Project Objectives


- Contribute to the greater knowledge of and awareness about the alternative history of Gori / Shida Kartli and replacing the figure of Stalin as an element of pride;


- new identity map and narratives have a long-standing impact on the stories that are told about the region and the locations and items throughout the city become to serve as a starting point for the dialogue about the city’s alternative (from that where Stalin is the central figure)  history;


- Create a new (online and physical) “identity map” based on the city’s history, superseding the figure of Stalin as the most important source of pride;


- Engage locals in re-discovering city’s new identity;


- Highlight hitherto unknown people, locations, places of memory of trauma and triumph, and important moments in the (pre-Soviet or independent to Soviet regime) history of the city.


Project activities:


- Researching the history of Shida Kartli and its inhabitants, important historical events, and places;

- Compose short stories based on historical and sociological research;

- Record the local respondents to be incorporated in the short videos (2 videos);  Production of the Videos and infographics (5 videos);

- Hold meetings/discussions with the local community about the identified stories/places; 

- Create an online host platform (entry on the website);

-  Identifying the relevant locations in the city with the local representatives and researchers;


Grant agreement

Project objective is  to contribute to the greater knowledge of and awareness about the alternative history of Gori / Shida Kartli and replacing the figure of Stalin as an element of pride; To create a new (online and physical) “identity map”. 

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Global AI Advocacy in Georgia Global Partners Digital 2022 € 2,750


Project Title: Global AI Advocacy in Georgia
Donor Organization: Global Partners Digital
Total Budget: 2,750 EUR
Duration of the Project: April 25 - November 28, 2022


Project Summary


The project aims to promote a human rights approach to artificial intelligence by shaping the outcomes of relevant national and international debates.


The major activity of the project is updating and implementing the global advocacy strategy.


The project deliverable include:


I. Global AI Advocacy Strategy:


 - Review and update the global advocacy strategy that was developed in the first phase of the project.


 - Identify which forum(s) and/or process(es) civil society input would have the biggest impact and provide a clear and strategic plan for engagement in one or more of these processes.


II. Implementation of Global  AI Advocacy Strategy:


 - On the basis of the updated global advocacy strategy, engage in the designated forums and/or processes and implement the activities outlined in the strategy;


 - Engagement may include, but is not limited to: participation in consultations with civil society; develop analysis, joint statements, and/or responses to relevant policy outcomes and texts adopted by relevant policy forums; or engagement in direct advocacy with relevant policy makers.



Grant agreement

The project aims to promote a human rights approach to artificial intelligence by shaping the outcomes of relevant national and international debates.

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Analysis of Russian Capital in Georgian Business - Stage 2 Georgian Information Integrity Program (GIIP) / USAID 2022 GEL 46,800




Project title: Analysis of Russian Capital in Georgian Business - Stage 2

Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID

Budget: GEL 46,800

Duration: April 18, 2022 – September 1, 2022


In March 2022, IDFI published a study - Russian Capital in Georgian Business: A First Overview of the Communications, Banking and Mineral Water Sectors - which included the above sectors.


In the second phase of the project, IDFI intends to review and publish a new report detailing the work, resources and connections of Georgian companies owned by Russian citizens in the following sectors: electricity, oil and gas.


 The business is often related to socio-political actors and influences on public perceptions. We deem it important to closely investigate such links between political, civil and media actors and business companies owned by the citizens of Russia. This would give us a clear image of funding sources behind some malign political, media and civil actors that actively spread disinformation in the country. For this, IDFI will monitor the donations, lobbying cases and other types of connections between the companies and societal actors in order to map the network of Russian capital and political organizations in Georgia. As a result of the three stage project, IDFI plans to create a map of the Russian capital in Georgia, which will be integrated into the Georgian Disinformation Ecosystem Map.


Project Objectives


-  Investigation of Russian capital in the mentioned sectors of Georgian business and its impact on the political, media and civil sectors;


- Investigating and mapping the Russian capital in Georgian business and its impact on Georgian political, media, and civil actors;


- Revealing the connections between the companies owned by the citizens of Russia and political, civil, and media actors affiliated with the government of the Russian Federation;


- Creating an effective tool and source of verified information for the civil society and research organizations as well as for media outlets that are focused on Russian-Georgian relations, Russian propaganda and disinformation issues;


 -Providing the Government of Georgia with detailed information about the potential and/or existing malign influence of Russian capital on the Georgian political environment;



Project activities:


- In the second phase of the project, gathering information from public agencies, the Internet and other open sources in the following four areas: Electricity, oil and gas.


- Update the company information studied in 2015’s report.


-  Creating an analytical brief/interim report.


Project Activities and Budget  

Grant agreement

Project Objective:  Investigation of Russian capital in the mentioned sectors of Georgian business and its impact on the political, media and civil sectors;

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Digital Freedoms in Georgia Internews and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 2022 $ 19,843




Project Title: Digital Freedoms in Georgia
Project #: SG-GX2060-LP-37 moo
Donor:  Internews and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Budget:  19,843.70 USD
Duration: April 18 – November 17, 2022


Summary of the Project


The project aims to strengthen Internet freedom in Georgia.


To this end, IDFI will implement the following activities:


1. Publish and disseminate a policy brief on digital rights issues (Month 1 - Month 3) – At the first phase of the project, IDFI will prepare a policy brief, outlining major developments and needs in the sphere of digital freedoms and literacy in Georgia.


2. Plan, organize, and execute one digital rights advocacy campaign (Month 1-Month 3)  – IDFI will prepare a video discussing major challenges, opportunities and policy recommendations in the sphere of digital freedoms in Georgia.


3. In collaboration with ICNL, publish an evidence based policy brief on digital rights issues related to surveillance ((Month 2 - Month 4). This would be a cooperation between ICNL, DSLU and IDFI and Media Diversity Institute from Armenia.


4. In collaboration with RDR, undertake a data-driven, evidence based research on corporate accountability issues (Month 5 - Month 7)– Similarly, IDFI will cooperate with RDR and prepare a country report on Georgia on the issue of corporate accountability.


5. Plan, organize, and execute a digital rights training (Month 5 - Month 7)– At the final stage of the project, IDFI will conduct a training on digital rights for students, journalists, CSO representatives and civic activists. It will be a half-day training and among other theoretical issues on digital rights, training participants will get familiar with IDFI’s policy briefs prepared as part of the project.




Grant agreement

The project aims to strengthen Internet freedom in Georgia.


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Solidarity Branding - Promoting Entrepreneurs Living in the Shida Kartli Region, Next to the Occupied Territories – Stage 1 Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 2022 GEL 22,450




Project title: Solidarity Branding - Promoting Entrepreneurs Living in the Shida Kartli Region, Next to the Occupied Territories – Stage 1

Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 

Grant Number: GIIP-SK-IDFI-002

Budget: GEL 22,465

Duration: 28.03.2022 -  30.06.2022


Entrepreneurs in the Georgian agricultural sphere face common challenges in selling agricultural products: from the natural causes, related to finding markets, storage, and transportation. Citizens of the villages located next to the administrative boundary line (ABL) in Shida Kartli, in addition to these problems, face constant fears of illegal borderization and kidnapping from de-facto police or military forces. Also they feel abandoned by wider Georgian society and their efforts to repel Russian occupation are unsupported and unrecognized.


Some feel it is best to avoid antagonizing Russia – fearing that any actions perceived as anti-Russian may result in further negative consequences. Others feel that partnering with Russia is the best or only way to resolve the current situation. This is of course exploited by Kremlin-backed disinformation, which seeks to reinforce the idea that placating Russia will prevent the situation from worsening their circumstances and promotes a sense of defeatism.


The project aims to make residents living near the ABL more resilient to Russian hostile influence as a result of increasing perceptions of recognition and support from the rest of Georgian society. To do this, the initiative will build a new brand identity that expresses physical and emotional solidarity with people and communities near the administrative boundary line (ABL), as well as promotes products created along the area. This brand will include (a) the creation of solidarity label,' which will be applied to locally produced products and will appeal to citizens living in other parts of the country to support their struggles while protecting Georgian territory; (b) to ensure higher income for the population near ABL, the brand will support increased market access through quality assurance by supporting those citizens in applying for Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) certification (GeoGap standard) to increase their competitive advantage and the potential of entering new markets.


Overall Project Objectives:


- Entrepreneurs living in the Shida Kartli Region, next to the ABL feel supported by the rest of the Georgian population


- Beneficiaries feel the solidarity brand has contributed to the increase in their sales


- Increasing of the competitive advantage and the potential of entering new markets for the farmers living next to the ABL


- In the greater picture, decreased dependence on the Russian market


Stage 1 Activities:


- Meetings with companies and beneficiaries living next to the ABL; Introducing the GeoGap standard to them; Initiating and starting certification process


- Consultations with the larger distributors and market networks


- Creation of 1 interim article/blog based on the findings


Project Budget and Activities Extension of the Contract Contract


Grant agreement

The project aims to make residents living near the ABL more resilient to Russian hostile influence as a result of increasing perceptions of recognition and support from the rest of Georgian society. 

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Global Data Barometer – Dissemination Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA) 2022 $ 4,000



Project Title: Global Data Barometer – Dissemination
Donor Organization: Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA)
Total Budget: $ 4,000
Duration of the Project: March, 30-December 31, 2022


Project Summary


The project aims to actively promote and disseminate the results of the Global Data Barometer (GDB) first edition. GDB's goal is to provide a critical new benchmark on country-level data governance, data capability, data availability, and data use for the public good. The regional hub will organise and plan to disseminate the results within its region.


Key activities & milestones


May, 2022: Design of audiovisual and communications material surrounding the key trends and findings of GDB results for the region in English, Georgian and Russian.


June, 2022: Regional conference/presentation to discuss the results of the Global Data Barometer based on thematic modules and prominent challenges relevant for Eurasia. Potential panelists will include GOB researchers from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.


July- December, 2022: Further dissemination and engagement with mobilized stakeholders.



Grant agreement

The project aims to actively promote and disseminate the results of the Global Data Barometer (GDB) first edition.

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DRIVE: Digital Research and Impact for Vulnerable E-citizens in Ukraine and Georgia e-Governance Academy/Luminate 2021-2023 €30,107.00




Project Title:  DRIVE: Digital Research and Impact for Vulnerable E-citizens (in Ukraine and Georgia)

Supported by: e-Governance Academy and Luminate

Grant Amount: EUR 30,107.00

Grant Term: September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2023



Project Summary


In most countries around the world, the last year has caused the employment of digital and technological solutions at unprecedented speed across all sectors. Such rapid developments have led to many challenges. One of them is a fear of the widening gap between the developments and citizens. This unprecedented speed might have even caused a new set of marginalised citizens to emerge. Any innovation should precisely address that: future developments should not only be guided by the technologically feasible but by what is socially desirable and acceptable. Therefore the citizens’ engagement, particularly digital, in the decision-making in the sectors, services and ecosystems that affect their lives is crucial.


This project, DRIVE, wishes to address this – its ultimate vision is that the vulnerable citizen groups in Ukraine and Georgia have a changed quality of life (better) by being digitally engaged in political decision-making (advanced policy development) and services, and having necessary conditions, awareness and skills for that.


Though a large number of different elements can contribute to a changed quality of life and digital engagement, the DRIVE project aims at one: public authorities and CSOs are aware of the digitally vulnerable groups and their needs, and have improved skills to engage these groups and to prevent the digital divide (further). For that, the project targets two specific outcomes: first, public authorities and CSOs are aware of the digitally vulnerable citizens (DVC), and know the needs and gaps in their digital literacy and access (tools and skills), and second, they are able to work together to design smart responses to address the needs and overcome the gaps, and to implement transparent, accountable and participatory e-governance (e.g. a new tools, platform, etc.). These form the key outcomes of the project. In addition, the collaboration between eGovernance Academy (Estonia) and the local partners (Georgia and Ukraine) aims to advance the capacity and aftercare so that the local partners can continue working for the same objectives, able to find necessary funding (joint projects for EU and Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for action proposals, and achieve the ultimate objective for the digitally vulnerable e-citizens.



Project activities include:


Stage 1: Preparatory activities

Stage 2: Hands-on activities to implement selected recommendations

 - Trainings and actions proposals

 - Pilot project or civic engagement/tech initiatives and regional outreach










Grant agreement

This project, DRIVE, wishes to address this – its ultimate vision is that the vulnerable citizen groups in Ukraine and Georgia have a changed quality of life (better) by being digitally engaged in political decision-making (advanced policy development) and services, and having necessary conditions, awareness and skills for that.

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Core Grant Luminate 2022-2023 $200,000



Project Title: Core Support 

Supported by: Luminate, Global Philanthropic Organization

Grant Amount: USD 200,000

Grant Term: January 13, 2022 – December 31, 2023


The Goals of the Grant are: 


1. IDFI will continue their public spending and good governance watchdog role as well as analytical activities in Georgia.


2. IDFI will ensure systematic monitoring of public procurement, public spending and government programs in Georgia.



Grant agreement

IDFI will ensure systematic monitoring of public procurement, public spending and government programs in Georgia.

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Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 1 Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 2022 GEL 23,460



Project title: Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 1
Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 
Budget: GEL 23,460
Duration: 12.01.2022 -  31.03.2022


Disinformation narratives that are primarily based on the sentiments and nostalgia towards Stalin in Shida Kartli have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to play a key role in the region's identity and self-identification. Due to the constant instrumentalization of Stalin's legacy, the region is still nurtured by the myths surrounding Stalin.


Considering the above-mentioned issue,  it is important to contribute to the de-escalation of the deepening nostalgia towards Stalin and Soviet times and to intervene in passing on these views to future generations without any critical approach. The identity of Gori being this intertwined with Stalin’s figure (both internal and external perceptions) does not allow the citizens to imagine a different positioning of their region or alternative means of developing its tourism potential. 


Via highlighting the city’s pre-Soviet historical past, restoring the images from this period, and creating an “identity map” for the central city of the region (Gori), the project aims at providing a new identity and a source of positive self-identification all while bypassing the role of Stalin. The project’s approach is to not only deliver the idea to the local population but more importantly, to incorporate them, as the main audience of the project, in creating and upholding this renewed narrative. 


With research-based stories and personalities, based on archival materials and historical analysis, a new "identity map" of the city will be created, highlighting the distinctive historical moments and figures that underline the city's uniqueness and rich history. 


The project will also contribute to the generational dialogue, engaging the teachers and students in discussing their city, its unique history, and alternative identity. The “identity map” and corresponding informational banners/items displayed across the town will serve as a starting point for kicking off the dialogue. 


Project Objectives


- Contribute to the greater knowledge of and awareness about the alternative history of Gori / Shida Kartli and replacing the figure of Stalin as an element of pride


- Identify, analyze, interpret, and visualize historical and archival materials concerning the history of the region/city; 


- Create a new (online and physical) “identity map” based on the city’s history, superseding the figure of Stalin as the most important source of pride; 


- Engage locals in re-discovering city’s new identity;


- Highlight hitherto unknown people, locations, places of memory of trauma and triumph, and important moments in the (pre-Soviet or independent to Soviet regime) history of the city.


Project activities:


- Researching the history of Shida Kartli and its inhabitants, important historical events, and places;


- Collecting oral histories from a part of the population on specific issues and personalities;


-  Identifying online and physical platforms where the researched and processed information will be placed; 


- Communication with the local authorities, acquiring necessary permissions;


Project Activities

Grant agreement

With research-based stories and personalities, based on archival materials and historical analysis, a new "identity map" of the city will be created in the framework of the project. 

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Improving Access of Media to the Public Information Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) 2022 $ 14 000




Project Title:  Improving Access of Media to the Public Information

Supported by: Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF)

 Grant Amount: USD 14.000

 Grant Term: January 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022



Project Summary


Aim of the project is to improve media’s access to the public information and to promote evidence-based journalism.


In order to achieve this aim, IDFI will be offering full legal support to media and journalists in particular about issues regarding freedom of information. In the process of legal aid there will be identified systemic problems that hinder journalists’ access to public information. Methods of resolving of such systemic problems will be advocated through various methods, including strategic litigations and cooperation with Media Advocacy Coalition (“Mediacoalition”).


The project beneficiaries are media (implying both regional and national, TV, radio and online broadcasters) and individual journalists. During the course of the project journalists will be available to get full and qualified legal aid. In order to achieve project aims IDFI will be cooperating with Mediacoalition during this cooperating there will be identified systemic problems and advocating changes.


During the course of the project there will be implemented specific legal support suited for journalists and “maping” of practical-legal problems that journalists face in accessing public information


Main project activities


-  Granting full legal support to journalists about issues regarding freedom of information (preparing applications, complaints, claims; legal representation);


-  Strategic legal and/or non-legal response to detected systemic problems;


-  Documenting detected problems. Informing civil society, public defender, state bodies and international society.


Project Activities and Budget


Grant agreement

Aim of the project is to improve media’s access to the public information and to promote evidence-based journalism.


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Support research and public campaign aimed to account needs of vulnerable groups in Georgian educational system during the COVID-19 pandemic Open Society Foundation (OSF) 2021-2022 $ 28,800


Project Title: Support research and public campaign aimed to account needs of vulnerablegroups in Georgian educational system during the COVID-19 pandemic

Donor Organization: Open Society Foundation (OSF)

Project Contract Number: OR2021-82602

Total Budget: USD 38,200

Duration of the Project: December1, 2021-July31, 2022


Project Brief Descriptionand Goals


The aim of the project is to Advocate the needs of vulnerable groups of society and ethnic minorities to increase the accessibility and efficiency of public services in the Georgian Education System..


To this end, the major objectives of the project are:


  • Developing FOI requests and analyzing statistical data, during the COVID-19 pandemic and before the pandemic period;


  • Monitor the development of identified challenges facing different social groups in terms of the learning process within the scope of the pandemic and in the post-pandemic period;


  • Concentrate on the issues of ethnic minorities, rural population and identify the problems of vocational education in Georgia;


  • Develop action plan with the working group of experts and CSOs, prepare recommendations based on the good practice.




1. Preparing FOI Requests;

2. Preparing questionnaires, conducting focus groups in the regions and with the ethnic minorities and analyzing received information;

3. Meeting with the teachers in the regions, advocating the distance learning and identifying challenges of the rural population;

4. Analyzes of the data;

5. Meeting/workshop with the experts and representatives of CSOs and other stakeholders to present findings and develop action plan and policy recommendations;

6. Campaigning and PR activities;

7. The final reporting period.



Project Activities


Grant agreement

The aim of the project is to Advocate the needs of vulnerable groups of society and ethnic minorities to increase the accessibility and efficiency of public services in the Georgian Education System.

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Analysis of Russian Capital in Georgian Business - Stage 1 Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 2021-2022 GEL 23.200




Project title: Analysis of Russian Capital in Georgian Business - Stage 1
Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 
Budget: GEL 23, 200
Duration: October 19, 2021 – February 18, 2022


Due to the fact that the share of Russian companies on the Georgian market is ever-increasing, within the frame of the proposed research project, IDFI aims to update the previous report : “Russian Capital in Georgian Business” after 6 years and supplement it with the research on the new and old companies that are owned by the citizens of the Russian Federation and the individuals affiliated with them. In the report, the work, resources, and connections of the companies owned by the citizens of Russia in the sectors of electricity, water resources, tourism, oil, gas, mining, mineral waters, communications, electric locomotive construction, banking and investments operating in Georgia will be studied in detail. 


The business is often related to socio-political actors and influences on public perceptions. We deem it important to closely investigate such links between political, civil and media actors and business companies owned by the citizens of Russia. This would give us a clear image of funding sources behind some malign political, media and civil actors that actively spread disinformation in the country. For this, IDFI will monitor the donations, lobbying cases and other types of connections between the companies and societal actors in order to map the network of Russian capital and political organizations in Georgia. As a result of the three stage project, IDFI plans to create a map of the Russian capital in Georgia, which will be integrated into the Georgian Disinformation Ecosystem Map.


Project Objectives


- Investigating and mapping the Russian capital in Georgian business and its impact on Georgian political, media, and civil actors; 


- Revealing the connections between the companies owned by the citizens of Russia and political, civil, and media actors affiliated with the government of the Russian Federation;


- Creating an effective tool and source of verified information for the civil society and research organizations as well as for media outlets that are focused on Russian-Georgian relations, Russian propaganda and disinformation issues;


- Providing the Government of Georgia with detailed information about the potential and/or existing malign influence of Russian capital on the Georgian political environment;


Project activities:


- At the first stage, collecting the information from public agencies, the Internet and other open sources about the following four sectoral directions: communications, banking, mining and mineral water.


- Update the company information studied in 2015’s report. 


- Creаting an analytical brief/ interim report.


Project Activities and Budget 

Grant agreement

 The project aims to investigate and map the Russian capital in Georgian business and its impact on Georgian political, media, and civil actors; 

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Inter-Religious Understanding Through Graphic Arts International Coalition of Sites of Conscience 2021 $2,850




Project title: Inter-Religious Understanding Through Graphic Arts

Supported by: International Coalition of Sites of Conscience 

Budget: $2,850

Duration: September 6 – December 10, 2021


In 2019, it became known that the mass graves of the victims of the 1937-1938 Soviet repressions were discovered in Adjara, Georgia. The discovery of the mass graves is very important event for Georgia as the study of stories of the repressed people, their proper commemoration, and immortalization has a key role in the formation of collective memory of countries and understanding of the totalitarian past, which is confirmed by the experience of other post-Soviet countries. At the initial stage, some particular steps were taken by the government for studying the mass graves.


The main participants in this project will be students of the St. Matthias Apostolic Gymnasium-Boarding School, who will create comics about the stories of those repressed people, focusing on showing the religious understanding between the Muslims and Christian communities. With the spreading of such comic books about the stories of the repression victims, we expect a new knowledge about the repressive regime and personalities to emerge in the community. It shall also enhance even greater empathy among the victims of a religious minority group. The comics will be distributed both in Georgia and through the channels of the International Coalition.


The increasing interest of the younger generation in the issue of the repressed as well as their involvement in relevant discussions is important for raising general, public awareness. With this project, the society, the government, and the decision-makers will once again see the importance of the issue of the memory of the victims for the society, that this topic is not secondary and the new generation is involved in promoting the topic.


Project Objectives


- Raising public awareness about the discovered mass graves in Adjara;

- Enhancing dialogue among the local Muslim and Christian population;

- Attracting government’s attention to the issue of the discovered mass graves in Adjara.


Project activities:


- Lectures and discussion sessions on the topic of repression and repressed people;

- creation of  3 thematic comic books;

- distribution of the comics and other PR activities;

- submitting and discussing  the output of the project to the Coalition;


Timeline and Budget


Grant agreement

The project goal is to raise public awareness about the discovered mass graves in Adjara.

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Study on Integrity in Civil Service – Georgia’s Challenges and the Best Practice United Nations Development Program 2021-2022 $17,420



Project Title: Study on Integrity in Civil Service – Georgia’s Challenges and the Best Practice 

Donor Organization: United Nations Development Program – Supporting Public Administration Reform in Georgia – Phase 2

Project Contract Number: 00121579

Total Budget: 17,420.00 USD

Duration of the Project: 1 September 2021 – 31 January 2022





- to identify key challenges of Georgia in terms of civil service integrity and protection of whistleblowers;


- to analyze OECD-ACN and GRECO standards and recommendations; 


- to cooperate with the Administration of Georgia and the Civil Service Bureau as well as the ministries to better adopt to the national context the findings and recommendations of the study;


- to propose recommendations based on the above-mentioned analysis. 



Project Activities


1. Desk review – the research team will analyze the existing situation on integrity and whistleblowing issues by requesting relevant information and data from the public agencies, analyzing national legislation and OECD-ACN and CoE-GRECO recommendations on the issue. Statistical data requests from the agencies will pay attention to gender and socially disadvantaged groups. 


2. Online survey of the civil servants – based on the questionnaire prepared according to the final methodology with the involvement of a sociologist, the team will study the awareness and attitudes of civil servants on integrity and whistleblowing issues. The survey will be sent to the central agencies and municipalities (at lease those municipalities with ethnic minorities will be covered). Survey of public servants will be conducted using an e-mail database of HR units of the central agencies and municipality focal points, and within 90% of the reliability and error, a questionnaire completed by around 5% of total amount of civil servants will suffice. The data will be statistically counted and the awareness and attitudes of civil servants will be analyzed.


3. Focus Group Discussions with stakeholders – the first draft of the document and its findings will be shared with the Civil Service Bureau, Government Administration and other interested central agencies and municipalities to receive their opinions and to better adapt the document findings and proposed recommendations to the local needs and characteristics. The inputs received from the stakeholders will serve as a validation mechanism for both the data collected and preliminary recommendations developed. The recommendations prepared based on the analysis of the collected data will be directed to the Government of Georgia, the Civil Service Bureau, ministries and municipalities, however, final beneficiaries of the study are civil servants across the county and a wider public as the research project aims to contribute to the strengthening of integrity of the civil service. 


4. Closing event – the final study findings and proposed recommendations will be presented to the public to contribute to the civil service integrity.


Work Plan


Grant agreement

Project aims to identify key challenges of Georgia in terms of civil service integrity and protection of whistleblowers.

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Global advocacy on AI –Georgia Global Partners Digital 2021 € 3,850

Project Title: Global advocacy on AI –Georgia
Donor Organization: Global Partners Digital
Total Budget: 3,850 EUR
Duration of the Project: September 01 – December 31, 2021


Summary of the Project


The project aims to promote a human rights approach to artificial intelligence by shaping the outcomes of relevant international debates.


As part of the project, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information will be supported to engage in the two processes (the UN Human Rights Council and the Ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence and UNESCO from a human rights perspective).


The project major deliverables:


 - Engage in advocacy and coordination activities related to the UN Human Rights Council and the Ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence and UNESCO from a human rights perspective.


 - Completing a mapping exercise of future opportunities for regional and global engagement on AI policy.


 - Developing a clear and strategic plan for future engagement in one or more of these processes.  



Grant agreement

The project aims to promote a human rights approach to artificial intelligence by shaping the outcomes of relevant international debates.


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Digital Privacy in Georgia Internews and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 2021 $14,987


Project title: Digital Privacy in Georgia
Donor: Internews and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Budget: $14,987.50
Duration: August 26, 2021 – November 25, 2021


Project Summary


Within the framework of the project, IDFI aims to conduct research and prepare analytical materials (i.e. blog-post articles, report), which will identify major challenges in terms of protection of digital privacy rights in Georgia, identify interventions needed and design evidence-based recommendations for raising public awareness and launching advocacy campaigns in this direction to address revealed problems. Digital privacy is itself an umbrella term, encompassing digital rights, freedom of information and personal data protection. Three main challenges can be emphasized that significantly affect these components – cyber-attacks, personal data breaches and online content manipulation. Because, nowadays, most of the personal data is stored in digital systems and networks, personal data breaches are often carried out through cyber-attacks, affecting citizens’ digital rights and privacy. Moreover, other fundamental human rights and components of digital freedoms - freedom of information and free use of the Internet are affected by online content manipulation, including the spread of manipulative content by political actors as well as the creation of fake accounts and pages for distorting the information. As long as all of these challenges simultaneously endanger the key components of Internet freedom, in order to address them effectively, a unified and comprehensive approach is needed. Therefore, for assessing the protection of digital privacy in Georgia, identifying related challenges and elaborating effective approaches, IDFI’s research will be simultaneously focused on cybersecurity, personal data protection online and countering online content manipulation.


To protect digital freedoms and privacy in Georgia, it is of paramount importance to identify the existing challenges in the direction of cybersecurity, personal data protection and online content manipulation and then elaborate recommendations for raising public awareness, launching relevant advocacy campaigns and implementing a unified approach against the identified threats.


To this end, the project will include the following activities:


1 . Data collection

2.  Conducting interviews and/or focus group meetings

3.  Data analysis

4.  Preparing and publishing blog-posts and a final report

5.  Preparing and disseminating visual materials about the report findings

6.  Roundtable discussion on elaborated policy recommendations with relevant decision-makers and stakeholders

7.  Online lecture for students on digital privacy based on the research findings



Project Activities and Budget


Grant agreement

The project aims to raise public awareness about digital freedoms and privacy in Georgia.

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Study Visit to Tbilisi Eurasia Foundation Representative Office 2021 $6,500.00


Project Title: Study Visit to Tbilisi

Donor Organization: Eurasia Foundation Representative Office

Total Grant Amount: 6,500.00 USD

Project Number: CSSP-KZ-2021-00017

Project Duration: July 1-30, 2021



Project Goals and Objectives


The main goal of the project is to organize a study visit, during which stakeholders have the opportunity to explore the in-depth experience of Georgia, in particular, in the area of ​​openness and transparency, especially in terms of open budgeting and transparent management of public finances. The project aims to give the opportunity to the participants of a study visit to analyze Georgia's experience concerning engagement in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and occupying the fifth position in the Open Budget Survey.


The first objective of the project is to organize a five-day study visit for the project participants and to compile an agenda, within the framework of which the participants of the study visit have the opportunity to get acquainted with the budget policy of Georgia, including the main budgeting processes. During the study visit, participants will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of civil society as well as government organizations, including the Government of Georgia, the State Audit Office, the Budget Office of the Parliament of Georgia, the Finance Department of the Parliament of Georgia, the Civil Society Institute, Transparency International Georgia and with representatives of the USAID Good Governance Initiative (GGI). At the same time, the participants of the study visit have the opportunity to visit the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, the State Procurement Agency, the Rustavi Municipality, and the Rustavi Public Service Hall and to study the mechanisms and functioning principles of the above-mentioned public institutions.


The second objective of the project is to get information from stakeholders about transparency, citizen involvement, participatory budgeting. It has great importance that Georgia is a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and therefore it is interesting to review the number of commitments that Georgia has taken under the OGP.


Expected Results: To increase the knowledge and practical experience of the participants of the study visit on public finances and budgeting. Equip program participants with practical knowledge and skills on transparency and openness mechanisms so that they can build a change-oriented society and make a positive impact in their own countries.


Long-term Outcomes: Project participants advocate for the introduction of transparency, accountability, and openness mechanisms in their own countries in the process of public finance and budgeting. Also, they will able to raise the level of civic awareness about the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and support their countries in joining OGP.




Grant agreement

The main goal of the project is to organize a study visit, during which stakeholders have the opportunity to explore the in-depth experience of Georgia, in particular, in the area of ​​openness and transparency, especially in terms of open budgeting and transparent management of public finances. 

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CSO Meter: A Compass to Conducive Environment and CSO Empowerment “(ENI/2021 /423-451) European Union (EU); Civil Society Institute 2021-2023 € 4300




Project Title: - CSO Meter: A Compass to Conducive Environment and CSO Empowerment “(ENI/2021 /423-451)

Donor organization: European Union (EU); Civil Society Institute

Budget: 4300 00 (four thousand three hundred euros and 00 euro cents)

Duration: June 30, 2021 - December 31, 2023


Project Goal:



The aim of the project is to become a member of the project-based regional hub and to upgrade the CSO Meter report.


Main Activities Envisaged by the Project:


- Allocation of an expert/experts within the hub organization who will work on the issues covered by the project and will be responsible for the topic related to the project

- Participate in local and international events of CSO Meter

- Participate in the work process of the CSO Meter Advisory Board

- Update the CSO meter report

- Involve and discuss project-related issues within its competence

- Identify Early warnings for CSO meters according to relevant directions and provide information about them to the customer and other members of the hub

- Participate in the process of monitoring of the living environment of civil societies

- Participate in advocating for recommendations developed within the CSO meter

Grant agreement

The aim of the project is to become a member of the project-based regional hub and to upgrade the CSO Meter report.

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Localizing the 2030 Agenda in Georgia The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 2021-2022 GEL 162.750



Project Title: Localizing the 2030 Agenda in Georgia
Donor Organization: The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Total Budget: 162.750,00 GEL
Contract Number: 83383644
Duration of the Project:June 15, 2021- February 15, 2022


Summary of the Project


Georgia adopted a comprehensive Decentralization Strategy 2020-2025 in December 2019, making decentralization a key policy priority. This envisages the transfer of more powers and aligned finances to local authorities. If launched coherently, the localization of the Agenda 2030 will support and go hand in hand with the Decentralization Strategy – the latter of which likewise promotes greater citizen participation in decision-making processes to ensure transparency and accountability.


To start the localization process in Georgia, GIZ programme - Good Governance for Local Development (GGLD) - plans a comprehensive analysis of the local SDG-architecture in Georgia. Recommendations, based on this analysis and the detected gaps, shall guide the design and implementation of pilot activities in four selected municipalities to launch the localization process in Georgia. A long-term action plan and further recommendations based on the practically gained experiences through the pilot activities shall lay the grounds for a successful upscaling strategy to comprehensively localize the Agenda 2030 in Georgia. 


Main objectives: 



- Comprehensive Analysis of local context, gaps and recommendations on SDG localization in Georgian municipalities


- Implementation of first activities to launch the localization of SDGs in four pilot municipalities




To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the following activities will be implemented:


1. Analysis of Current Situation in Georgia and identification of relevant municipal competencies for SDG implementation at the local level. It will contain the following parts:


a) Analysing existing regulations (laws and bylaws) on the role of municipalities in implementing Agenda 2030 at the central and local levels. 


b) The current level of awareness and state of implementation of Agenda 2030 on the local level in the four selected pilot municipalities

c) Monitoring and review at the local level.


d) Studying the best international practice


e) Based on the analysis, gaps and needs in Georgia’s current SDG architecture will be identified at the central and local levels.


f) Recommendations - Most importantly, based on the revealed gaps, challenges, international practice and prospects, practical and evidence-based recommendations will be elaborated.


2. Implementation of pilot activities in the four pilot municipalities (based on recommendations of the analysis)


3. The final report of the project will be prepared


4. The final presentation will be organized to present the prepared analysis and elaborated policy recommendations with the participation of wider audience.


Planned Activities and Project Budget


Grant agreement

The project goal is the comprehensive Analysis of local context, gaps and recommendations on SDG localization in Georgian municipalities


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