
21 October 2019 image

IDFI's Training for Students, Activists and Journalists

15 participants successfully completed IDFI’s practical training on the Methods & Mechanisms of Government Oversight. The training was held within the grant for Good Governance for Georgia (3G) project from the global philanthropic organizationLuminate and included students, activists and journalists from all parts of Georgia selected via the open call.

14 October 2019 image

IDFI Held a Training for Prosecutors and Journalists

The participants were welcomed by Giorgi Kldiasvhili, Executive Director of IDFI; Mariam Maisuradze, Program Manager for the EU funded project “Promoting Prosecutorial Independence through Monitoring and Engagement”; and Ina Grigalashvili, Human Rights Program Project Coordinator at Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF).

5 October 2019 image

IDFI's Training in Kutaisi City

IDFI’s held yet another training for journalists and activists from Kutaisi on - Using Open Data for an Effective Government Oversight. The training enabled the participants to learn more on how to identify suspicious public tenders, control state budget execution, request and obtain public information, etc.

7 August 2019 image

Training of Journalists and Activists from Adjara Region

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) continues to hold trainings for journalists and activists. On August 2, 2019, IDFI team visited Batumi and conducted a training for 22 journalists and activists from the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. 

8 July 2019 image

Empowering Georgian Media for Monitoring Government Transparency & Accountability

On 3-4 July 2019, IDFI held a training in Kvareli for east Georgia media (16 participants; print, online and broadcasting) representatives working on data analysis. The training titled - Working on Open Data for Effective Monitoring of Government Accountability - is part of a series of trainings organized by IDFI as part of the project on Empowering Watchdog Community for Government Accountability.

17 June 2019 image

Government Oversight under Georgian Media and Activists Spotlight

In June 2019,theInstitute for Development of Freedom of Information [IDFI] with the support of the global philanthropic organization Luminate held two practical trainings for over 30 journalists and activists about the methods and mechanisms of government oversight.

7 May 2019 image

Training for Prosecutors and Investigators

Over 20 prosecutors and investigators of the Prosecution Service of Georgia participated in the training onthe discrimination based on gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity held on May 6-7, 2019 outside Tbilisi. The event was organized by the IDFI with the support from the European Union, in cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia. The event was co-financed by the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF). 

4 February 2019 image

IDFI Launches a Project to Strengthen Good Governance in Georgia with Funding from Global Philanthropic Organization, Luminate

IDFI marked the launch of Luminate funded/new project - Good Governance for Georgia with training of journalists from leading online, print and broadcast media in Georgia. How does the Georgia’s public procurement system work & how to reveal suspicious public tenders was in focus of the training attended by over 22 journalists.


10 December 2018 image

Training On Hate-motivated Crimes and Hate Speech for Prosecutors and Journalists

Hate crimes and hate speech was a topic of a two day training organized by IDFI. The training was attended by 35 participants: representatives of the prominent media outlets, the spokesperson of the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia and prosecutors of managerial positions.

20 November 2018 image

Training on Local Self-Government Index

On November 18-20, The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI),  Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC) and Management Systems Development Center (MSDC) held three-day training on local self-government index for regional organizations.