
18 April 2019 image

Problems Identified in the Judges’ Professional Training System Suggest that Comprehensive Reform of the High School of Justice is Needed

International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) and Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) presented the research on the Judges’ Professional Training System in Georgia. The research provides an overview of the institutional arrangement of the High School of Justice of Georgia (HSoJ) and main challenges related to its work.

24 January 2019 image

Recommendations Regarding Criteria and Procedures for the Selection of the Supreme Court Justices

Coalition for and Independent and Transparent Judiciary submitted recommendations regarding criteria and procedures for the selection of the Supreme Court justices to the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Chair of the Fourth Wave Judicial Reform Working Group.

24 January 2019 image

Discussion about Professional Development of Civil Servants: Challenges & Opportunities

Professional development of civil servants in Georgia and the role of educational institutions in this process were the focus of a discussion on 24 January 2019 attended by the international experts and representatives of the Georgian ministries, training centres and civil society.

26 December 2018 image

Comparative Analysis of Public Procurement Legislations in the Countries of Eurasian Region

The purpose of this comparative analysis prepared by IDFI is to show parallel trends and shared characteristics of public procurement systems in Eurasian Region, including the best practices. 

21 December 2018 image

Implementation of the Judicial Strategy and the Action Plan

The report prepared by IDFI and EMC analyzes implementation of the activities of the Judicial Strategy and Action Plan (developed based on the requirements of EU-Georgia association agenda) which deal with the most compelling and pressing issues of the judicial system reform.

5 December 2018 image

Knowledge and Attitudes of the Population of Georgia towards Judiciary: Results of the Public Opinion Survey

Within the framework of the EU-funded project – “Facilitating Implementation of Reforms in the Judiciary (FAIR)”has been implementing by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in cooperation with the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), CRRC-Georgia presented the results of the Public Opinion Survey, which was carried out between 30 August and 15 September, culminating into 2080 completed interviews.

31 October 2018 image

Openness of State Archives in Former Soviet Republics

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), together with an international network of archive experts and with the financial support from the Open Society Institute - Budapest Foundation, developed a methodology to evaluate the openness of state archives. The evaluation was done on 20 state archives in 10 post-Soviet countries.


20 July 2018 image

Murder on Khorava Street: Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Court Decision

In early December 2017, two schoolchildren were killed on Khorava Street in Tbilisi. On May 31st, 2018, Tbilisi City Court announced the decision on the Khorava Street murder case. The announcement caused mass demonstrations led by Zaza Saralidze, a father of one of the murdered children.

7 June 2018 image

Expenditures of the Contingency Fund of the Government of Georgia: 2013-2017

Every year contingency funds are created to cover unforeseen expenses within the framework of the national budget of Georgia. Given its nature, the resources of the contingency funds should be used in emergency situations, such as natural, epidemic, ecological and other kinds of disasters.  

28 May 2018 image

Access to Open Data in Georgia and Visegrad Countries

The research reviews the legislative framework of open data in Georgia and in four central European countries – Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Together with legislative frameworks, the document also analysis practices of access to open data, main open data platforms run in these countries and the frequency of open data utilization by local activists and private sector representatives on every-day basis. Recommendations for each country are also presented.