
17 February 2016 image

Research and Recommendations on Local Government’s Involvement in Elaboration of Anti-Corruption Strategies

It is mentioned in Georgia’s Anti-Corruption Strategy that involvement of local governments in the work of Anti-Corruption Council and supporting anti-corruption activities at the local governments is vital for an effective implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy.

14 December 2015 image

Practice of Disclosure of Public Information in 2010-2015

Within the framework of the projects implemented by IDFI in 2010-2015, 30152 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were sent to public institutions, and only 24 438 replies were received.

16 September 2015 image

Statistical Data on Gender Equality in Civil Service

The research showed that the number of male and female civil servants in Georgia, excluding law enforcement agencies, is nearly equal. 

2 September 2015 image

UEFA Super Cup Tickets for Public Institutions

According to the received documents from 17 public institutions, 8 of them have requested to allocate tickets of Tbilisi Super Cup Match from Georgian Football Federation.

27 August 2015 image

Lithuanian Model of Internetization of Georgia

IDFI analyzed Lithuanian moedl of internetization of Georgia, its main problems and challenges. 

19 August 2015 image

Open Parliament Georgia Action Plan 2015-2016

This document represents an Open Parliament Georgia Action Plan which aims to ensure openness of the Parliament and transparency of parliamentary information, and to facilitate citizen engagement in parliamentary work and legislative process in line with the principles of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness.

22 July 2015 image

Russian Influence on Georgian NGOs and Media

The present research discusses the NGOs and Media organizations which we believe are distinguished with anti-western rhetoric. The two organizations especially active in this connecting are – Eurasian Institute and Eurasian Choice.


21 July 2015 image

Problems of the Cancelled Governmental Contest Broadband Internet to Every Citizen and Recommendations of IDFI

The research conducted by IDFI is about the general and current issues of the contest announced by the government of Georgia within the scopes of the special program, broadband internet cover in Georgia in order to increase indicator of Internet Concentration.

10 July 2015 image

Funding Priorities of Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

On March 26th, IDFI addressed Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia to request information about funded activities

17 June 2015 image

Open Georgia: How Open Data Can Be Used As An Anti-Corruption Tool

The paper was prepared for the conference “Central and Eastern European e-Democracy and e-Governance Days” held in Budapest on May 7-8, 2015 by representative of E-governance Institute, Eric B. Jackson