Memory and Disinformation Studies

24 November 2023 image

The household subsidy for the victims of political repressions will rise from 7 to 40 GEL in 2024 due to several years of advocacy by IDFI

According to the changes in the Draft 2024 State Budget of Georgia, the household subsidy for the victims of political repression will increase from 7 GEL to 40 GEL.


22 November 2023 image

"Stalin’s List" of November 22, 1937

The "Stalin List" of November 22, 1937, is a unique document in the history of the "Great Terror", which was approved for the Georgian SSR.

10 November 2023 image


Information Integrity Coalition congratulates the citizens of Georgia for their progress towards EU membership. European integration represents a historic choice for the population of Georgia, whose unwavering determination has been repeatedly demonstrated by Georgian society in recent years.

3 November 2023 image

IDFI held a public lecture on the topic of Soviet occupation in Kutaisi

On November 2, 2023, in Kutaisi, IDFI held a lecture for the students of the autumn school within the framework of the project "Youth awareness through engagement", which is implemented by the Center of Regional Initiatives "Bright Future".

3 November 2023 image

IDFI and the YSU Center of Innovational Social Research (CISR) signed a memorandum of cooperation

On November 3, 2023, IDFI signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Center of Innovational Social Research of Yerevan State University (YSU).

30 October 2023 image

IDFI held information meetings about NATO in Vakhtangisi and Iormughanlo

On October 18 and 25, 2023, in the village of Vakhtangisi, Gardabani municipality, and on October 26 and 29, in the village of Iormughanlo, Sagarejo municipality, IDFI, within the framework of the project funded by NATO Public Diplomacy Programs/Division - "Overcoming barriers to fight misinformation in ethnic minorities", held information meetings.

27 October 2023 image

IDFI awarded the National Teacher Award - 2023 finalist, Nino Niparishvili

On October 27, IDFI, within the framework of National Teacher's Day, visited the Museum of Occupation in the Kaspi Multi-Professional School-Gymnasium. IDFI awarded civil education teacher, Nino Niparishvili with a certificate of honor.

24 October 2023 image

IDFI held information meetings about NATO in Akhalkalaki and Tbilisi

On October 15 and 22, 2023, in Akhalkalaki and Tbilisi, IDFI held information meetings within the framework of the project funded by the NATO Public Diplomacy Programs/Division - "Overcoming barriers to fight misinformation among ethnic minorities".


18 October 2023 image

Webinar - "In the Wake of War: How the Geopolitical Ground Has Shifted in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia”

On October 16, 2023, the joint online event of the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and Northwestern University - "In the Wake of War: How the Geopolitical Ground Has Shifted in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia” was held.  

9 October 2023 image

International conference - "Uncovering the Truth: Mass Graves of the Great Terror (1937-1938) in Batumi, Georgia"

On October 5-6, 2023, in Batumi, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), with the financial support of the Juliusz Mieroszewski Centre for Dialogue (Centrum Dialogu im. Juliusza Mieroszewskiego), held an international conference "Uncovering the Truth: Mass Graves of the Great Terror (1937-1938) in Batumi, Georgia".