Memory and Disinformation Studies

31 May 2019 image

IDFI Opened Memorial Plates in Kaspi Municipality

IDFI in cooperation with the Kaspi Municipality opened  memorial plates in honor of theMembers of the National Councils and the Constituent Assembly of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia: Leo and Grigol Natadze, Nikoloz Katsiashvili and Revaz Gabashvili in the central square of KaspiMunicipality.

29 May 2019 image

IDFI's Informational Meeting with the Pupils of Kaspi Public School

Head of Archival and Soviet Studies at IDFI Anton Vacharadze presented about the First Democratic Republic of Georgia and Sovietization. He spoke about the events of 100 years ago, as a result of which the Democratic Republic of Georgia ceased to exist and the country became part of the Soviet Union. 

13 May 2019 image

Memorial Boards of Nikoloz (Karlo) Chkheidze and Konstantine Gvarjaladze

IDFI is implementing several projects aimed at raising awareness about the Democratic Republic of Georgia and commemorating the 100th anniversary of its creation. One such project involves publishing a memorial album featuring Nikoloz (Karlo) Chkheidze, a prominent politician of the time.

23 April 2019 image

Increasing Transparency of Archival Documents in Georgia – Legislative Proposal of IDFI

Although transparency and accountability constitute declared proprieties on the political agenda of the Government of Georgia, the country still stands considerably behind in regards with access to historical archives as compared to other Eastern European states.

9 April 2019 image

Mass Graves of Victims of Soviet Repression in Georgia

Identification of burials and remains of the victims of the Soviet-era terror is a demanding challenge for the post-Soviet countries. Many of these countries have started searching for such burial sites not at all recently, several mass burial sites have already been found and these countries have paid tribute to the repressed. There was no such precedent in Georgia as of yet, the search for burial sites and graves in the 1990s were largely in vain due to the destruction of archives and lack of information.

28 February 2019 image

International Research Institute CEVRO Published IDFI's Articles about Transition from Soviet Totalitarian System to Democracy

In 2018, Executive Director of IDFI, Giorgi Kldiashvili, Programs Director Levan Avalishvili and Archives and Soviet Studies Direction Head, Anton Vatcharadze participated in the international project of the of the Policy Studies Institute CEVRO which included the publishing of a collection of articles on the steps taken to establish a democracy from the Soviet authoritarian regime in Georgia.

14 January 2019 image

Opening the KGB Archive in Latvia - Useful Example for Georgia

It is important for Georgia to develop legislation of high standards on the freedom and accessibility of information. the country should adopt the "Lustration" law and support the study of totalitarian epoch, archival materials and the youth participation in this process. It is also necessary to specify the concept of "personal data" in relation to archival documents.

31 October 2018 image

Openness of State Archives in Former Soviet Republics

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), together with an international network of archive experts and with the financial support from the Open Society Institute - Budapest Foundation, developed a methodology to evaluate the openness of state archives. The evaluation was done on 20 state archives in 10 post-Soviet countries.


24 October 2018 image

Openness of State Archives in Post-Soviet Countries: IDFI Presented a New Website & Research Findings

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), with the financial support from the Open Society Institute – Budapest Foundation (OSI), presented a new website for evaluation of the openness of the state archives in the post-Soviet countries.

23 September 2018 image

International conference - Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges

On September 20-22 international conference - Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges was held at the National Archives of Georgia.