Rule of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of Media

16 September 2021 image

Violation of the Right to Privacy - a Systemic Challenge for Georgia

The experience of recent years, especially the information spread a few days ago about the alleged facts of mass interception, clearly shows that covert surveillance is a systemic challenge for Georgia. 

8 September 2021 image

IDFI’s Statement on the Changes in the Prosecutor General Appointment Rules

On September 7, 2021, the Parliament of Georgia passed the constitutional amendments in the first reading, with 126 MPs voting in favor. Unfortunately, the issue of appointing a Prosecutor General by a qualified majority was dismissed from the draft constitutional law, which would reduce the risk of only one party appointing her/him in the future and would be a step forward in strengthening the Office's independence and neutrality.

31 August 2021 image

Refusal of EU Assistance is an Open Declaration of Georgia's Deviation from the Euro-Atlantic Course

The signatory organizations express concern over the statement of the Prime Minister of Georgia that the government is "refraining" from receiving 75 million Euros of EU assistance. This is an unequivocal refusal to implement reforms in the judiciary and an open declaration of Georgia's deviation from the Euro-Atlantic course.


23 August 2021 image

Awarding of the Participants of the Student Conference on the Topic of Personal Data Protection Was Held

On August 19, 2021, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information and the State Inspector’s Service held a joint event, where the authors of the 15 best essays identified during the student conference on personal data protection were awarded and granted certificates. 


10 August 2021 image

Summer School on Personal Data Protection

On August 2-7, 2021, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and State Inspector's Service held the joint summer school on personal data protection.

3 August 2021 image

Opening of the Summer School on Personal Data Protection

On August 3, 2021, in cooperation with the State Inspector's Service, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) held the opening event of the joint summer school on personal data protection.


2 August 2021 image

Civil Society Organisations: Government Uses State Security Service as Mechanism of Total Control

The story aired by Mtavari Arkhi TV covering the activities of the State Security Service has once again demonstrated that there is an appalling practice of large-scale control and human rights violations in the country.


16 July 2021 image

18 months of the fight against the pandemic: Human rights monitoring - Final Report

Constitutional democracy and the rule of law in Georgia face many challenges. Trust towards independent constitutional institutions and the judiciary is significantly low. An issue to be considered is the refusal of opposition parties to enter Parliament.

13 July 2021 image

Independent Investigative Mechanism in Georgia – Achievements and Existing Challenges

Establishment of an independent investigative mechanism to ensure an independent, impartial and efficient investigation of crimes committed by law enforcement officials was an important step forward. 

13 July 2021 image

Presentation of the Study - Independent Investigative Mechanism in Georgia Achievements and Existing Challenges

On 12 July 2021, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and the Social Justice Center presented the study “Independent Investigative Mechanism in Georgia - Achievements and Existing Challenges”.