Rule of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of Media

30 August 2024 image

The Personal Data Protection Service does not disclose personal data that civil society and media organizations are required to publish under Russian-style Foreign Agents Law

IDFI believes that, like the Russian-style Foreign Agents Law itself, the financial declaration form developed on its basis is not in compliance with personal data protection standards.

3 June 2024 image

Political Vandalism in Tbilisi on 31 May: IDFI’s Brief Assessment

The analysis of the incidents of May 31 indicates that the ruling party has two goals with this organized vandalism and systematic intimidation: to suppress freedom of speech and to create a false image of the damaging acts committed by them against Georgia, including the attempt to isolate Georgia internationally.

30 May 2024 image

We continue our legal fight against the Russian law

Georgian non-governmental organizations continue their legal fight against the Russian Law. 

20 May 2024 image

Repressive effects of Russian Law

IDFI presents information about several repressive mechanisms of Russian Law. To whom does the Russian Law apply? What can be requested from people and organizations? What are the sanctions? Will the appeal stop the repressive decisions? Answers to these and other interesting questions can be found in the IDFI's overview.

16 May 2024 image

Russian Law must be withdrawn unconditionally

On May 14th, the majority members of the Parliament of Georgia acted against the national interests of the Georgian people and the constitution by passing the Russian Law in the third reading. 

12 May 2024 image

The Russian Law must be withdrawn unconditionally

We, Georgian non-governmental organizations, once again declare that the draft law adopted by the authorities in the second reading is a Russian Law in its goals and content, it is directed against the Western course supported by the Georgian people, and it must be withdrawn unconditionally.

9 May 2024 image

The Government's Violence Cannot Stop the Georgian People's Aspiration towards the European Future

On the night of May 8, the government's nerves failed, and they prematurely revealed their intentions for Georgia's future. 

8 May 2024 image

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) urges the Georgian government to withdraw the Russian Law

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) urges the Georgian government to withdraw the draft Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, and failure to address the concerns could end in the cessation of membership in the OGP.

7 May 2024 image

IDFI's remark on the attack against the Executive Director of the organization

Today, on the 7th of May, at around 16:00, in the vicinity of the Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi, while communicating with the media, an unknown person attacked the Executive Director of IDFI, Giorgi Kldiashvili. 

1 May 2024 image

At 17:00, at the parliament - yes to Europe, not to Russian law!

Yesterday, on April 30, 2024at a peaceful demonstration, where citizens were protesting the Russian Law, the Ministry of Internal Affairs started to break up the demonstration without any reason whatsoever. 

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