Social and Economic Policy

18 September 2015 image

Discussion - The Effects of Depreciation of National Currency on the Georgian Economy

On Thursday, September 17, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) organized the discussion - “The Effects of Depreciation of National Currency on the Georgian Economy”. The discussion was held within the framework of the project “Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 - Strengthening Public Involvement”.

27 July 2015 image

Charity Event to Help Skra IDP Settlement

On July 25 IDFI and initiative group “Imedi’s Skhivi” held a charity event In Vake Park. The event aimed to help IDP settlement in Skra.

10 July 2015 image

Funding Priorities of Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

On March 26th, IDFI addressed Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia to request information about funded activities

10 June 2015 image

The Practice of Awarding Civil Servants With Bonuses and Salary Supplements in 2014

According to the government decree about regulations on the bonuses in public service, in lots of institutions bonuses were replaced with salary supplements

15 May 2015 image

Reasons Behind the Lack of Transparency of the Ministry of Finance

As it has been revealed, the major part of the information which has been subject to dispute between IDFI and MoF at different instances of courts for one year now, was included in the financial check report of State Audit Office (SAO). The Inconsistencies highlighted in the report confirmed the suspicion of IDFI that the reluctance of the Ministry to disclose the data was motivated by the aim of keeping the information on the inadequacies secret.

8 May 2015 image

Russian Capital in Georgian Business

The study reveals the companies, established in Georgia but owned by Russian citizens. The study is based on the official documents and news spread through the media. 

7 May 2015 image

Statistics of Persons with Disabilities in Georgia (2015)

According to the provided information by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs , 118 651 persons with disabilities are registered as recipients of state social assistance by 1 March, 2015 in Georgia that constitutes only 3 percent of total population resided in Georgia (3 729.5) while WTO estimates the global disability prevalence of around 10%.

6 May 2015 image

The director of IDFI participated in 48th annual meeting of Asian Development Bank in Baku

The Director of IDFI, Giorgi Kldiashvili participated in 48th annual meeting of Asian Development Bank (ABD) in Baku. The title this year was- “Fostering Partnership for development”.

28 April 2015 image

Statistical Information on the Number of Infected with Hiv-aids

IDFI received information from Ministry of Labour Health and Social Affairs on the number of infected with hiv-aids

24 February 2015 image

Certificate Program Within the Framework of Project Georgia 2020

IDFI in a cooperation with GIPA held a certificate program for students within the frameworks of the project Georgia 2020