
25 July 2024 image

Assessment of the Political Engagement of Ethnic Minorities


22 July 2024 image

Summer School for Teachers - Confronting Memories

From July 17-21, 2024, the city of Dilijan, Armenia, hosted a summer school attended by teachers from Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The theme of this event centered on the challenges of teaching confronting memories in schools.


18 July 2024 image

Transparency of the Government Preoccupied with the "Transparency" of Civil Society and Media Organizations

In our opinion, the main measuring indicator of the government's attitude towards transparency and accountability is the situation in the state agencies themselves in this regard.

12 July 2024 image

Liziko Abzianidze Diary


4 July 2024 image

Coverage of the April-May 2024 protests against Russian Law in Armenian and Azerbaijani Media

IDFI, with the help of partner Azerbaijani- and Armenian-speaking researchers, studied the coverage of the events surrounding the Russian-style Foreign Agents Law in the media of both countries.


17 June 2024 image

Premiere and Discussion of the Film - Najgruzińszy

On June 12, 2024, the premiere and discussion of the film Najgruzińszy/a ("The Most Georgian"), filmed by IDFI's partner organization Mieroszewski Center, was held in Warsaw, Poland. 

14 June 2024 image

Teaching Sensitive History - Pedagogical Guide

The Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information worked on the Georgian translation of a pedagogical guide as part of the project "History education at the time of war", funded by the Civil Society Forum e.V. Created by the Confronting Memories program, the guide addresses conflicts in the post-Soviet space and explores methods for teaching sensitive historical topics.

14 June 2024 image

The campaign 'Fruits of Heroism' won the Gold Trophy at The Anthem Awards in New York

In June 2024, the campaign “Fruits of Heroism” won the Gold Trophy at The Anthem Awards in the category of National Awareness Raising Campaign in New York.

23 May 2024 image

Business Links of the Participants of the Russian-Georgian Business Council

On 14 May 2024, Russia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ТПП) published a press release, according to which another session of the Russian-Georgian Business Council was held held where, among other topics, the idea of transitioning to the use of rubles and lari in cash settlements between Russia and Georgia.

20 May 2024 image

Interview with the Founder of

On March 14, 2024, the Kyrgyz Parliament passed the final reading of a draft law requiring non-profit organizations that receive foreign funding to register as "foreign representatives." The IDFI engaged in a discussion with its partner, Elmira Nogoibaeva, the founder of Esimde.

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