
12 October 2021 image

Statistics of Socially Vulnerable Population and Elections 2019-2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economic situation in the world, including Georgia. The increase in the poverty rate, reductions in tourism and international remittances, the pressure of various factors on the national currency – all of these have been noteworthy trends that have significantly affected the revenues of the population of Georgia. According to the World Bank's latest poverty forecast, the economic shock caused by the pandemic has impoverished 350,000 people in Georgia and forced more than 800,000 people to experience downward mobility and thus move to a lower-income group.

30 September 2021 image

World Governance Indicators - Georgia in the World Bank Ranking 2021

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) constitute a research database based on over 30 data sources reflecting the views and evaluations stemming from citizens, entrepreneurs and experts.

29 September 2021 image

Political party financing issues still remain problematic before the elections

Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of democratic governance and political stability. Political competitiveness is one of the essential signs of a representative democracy, which mainly is determined by political parties’ financial.

28 September 2021 image

Proactive Disclosure of Public Information on Georgian Public Institutions Websites 2021

Proactive disclosure of public information is one of the most significant commitments taken by Georgia within the framework of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

22 September 2021 image

Topical Issues of Personal Data Protection - a Collection of Essays

This collection includes essays written by students on current issues of personal data protection. The essay competition was announced on May 14, 2021, in which dozens of students from various higher education institutions participated.

17 September 2021 image

Overview of the Plans of OGP Local Member Georgian Municipalities

In 2016, The OGP Local Program was launched in 2016 with the goal of spreading the values ​​and principles of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) at the local government level.

16 September 2021 image

IDFI's Assessment on the Initiated Amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts

On July 1, 2021, the bill initiated by the members of the Parliament of Georgia was registered. The bill aims to enforce the Judgement of the Constitutional Court of Georgia N1/4/693,857 of June 7, 2019.


26 August 2021 image

Expenditures of the Contingency Fund of the Government of Georgia during the Pandemic

The Budget Code of Georgia allows the establishment of Contingency Funds of the Government of Georgia and the President of Georgia in the state budget. However, from 2019, the state budget no longer allocates assets for the Contingency Fund of the President of Georgia, and the financial resources provided for the Contingency Funds will be fully directed to the Government of Georgia.

25 August 2021 image

Findings of Government and Alternative Monitoring of Public Administration Reform

On July 20, 2021, the Secretariat of the Interagency Coordinating Council for Public Administration Reform (PAR) presented the Annual Report on the Implementation of the Public Administration Reform Action Plan 2019-2020 prepared by the Secretariat of the Council and the report on the implementation of the PAR Roadmap prepared by an independent expert.

13 August 2021 image

Overview of the Vaccination Process in Georgia

The Government of Georgia unveiled the National Vaccination Plan on January 21, 2021. The goal of the plan was to vaccinate 60% of the population over the age of 18 by the end of the year. According to the Deputy Minister of Health, Tamar Gabunia, the priority groups for vaccination were defined as follows: