Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 3

Projects | Completed Projects 8 September 2022

Project title: Overcoming disinformation and nostalgia surrounding Stalin: A new identity for the city of Gori - Stage 3

Supported by: Georgian Information Integrity Program(GIIP) / USAID 

Budget: GEL 61, 900

Duration: 08.09.2022 -  15.01.2023


Disinformation narratives that are primarily based on the sentiments and nostalgia towards Stalin in Shida Kartli have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to play a key role in the region's identity and self-identification. Due to the constant instrumentalization of Stalin's legacy, the region is still nurtured by the myths surrounding Stalin.


Considering the above-mentioned issue,  it is important to contribute to the de-escalation of the deepening nostalgia towards Stalin and Soviet times and to intervene in passing on these views to future generations without any critical approach. The identity of Gori being this intertwined with Stalin’s figure (both internal and external perceptions) does not allow the citizens to imagine a different positioning of their region or alternative means of developing its tourism potential. The project’s approach is to not only deliver the idea to the local population but more importantly, to incorporate them, as the main audience of the project, in creating and upholding this renewed narrative. 


The project aims at creating an alternative visual platform. Hence, the project will highlight hitherto unknown people, locations, places of memory of trauma and triumph, and important moments in the (pre-Soviet or independent to Soviet regime) history of the city. While creating and promoting the materials, the local youth and vulnerable groups (e.g. IDP people) will be engaged and informed on the development of the project making their city’s historical identity relevant for them. As a result, the local stories, merits, narratives of trauma, and victories become important driving forces and the central element of social identity in the center of Shida Kartli.


The third stage of the project envisions development in three following directions: Firstly, more short stories will be created based on archival research and interviews with the locals, together with more known and unknown historical places marked on the digital map; Second aspect is web-development - the web-site www.gorimaps.ge created for this project, will be further designed, developed and expanded.  Third aspect is installation of designed plaques around the city - following the identified pins on the map, specially designed boards will be installed around the city that will also depict the QR code leading to further information on the place/story on the website. A summary plaque will depict the digital map with the pins.

The online and physical spaces are meant to popularise the alternative and at times forgotten history of the city/region among the local population and the guests of the city. 


The products of the project are meant to contribute to an alternative route design of the city tour. The project will also contribute to the generational dialogue, engaging the teachers and students in discussing their city, its unique history, and alternative identity. The “identity map” and corresponding informational banners/items displayed across the town will serve as a starting point for kicking off the dialogue. 


In a greater picture, the project will be considered successful if the new identity map and narratives have a long-standing impact on the stories that are told about the region and if the locations and items throughout the city serve as a starting point for the dialogue about the city’s alternative history. 



Project Objectives:


- Contribute to the greater knowledge of and awareness about the alternative history of Gori / Shida Kartli and replacing the figure of Stalin as an element of pride;


- new identity map and narratives have a long-standing impact on the stories that are told about the region and the locations and items throughout the city become to serve as a starting point for the dialogue about the city’s alternative (from that where Stalin is the central figure)  history;


- Create a new (online and physical) “identity map” based on the city’s history, superseding the figure of Stalin as the most important source of pride; 


- Engage locals in re-discovering city’s new identity;


- Highlight hitherto unknown people, locations, places of memory of trauma and triumph, and important moments in the (pre-Soviet or independent to Soviet regime) history of the city.



Project activities:


- Compose short stories based on historical and sociological research; 


- Production of the Videos and infographics


- Meetings across Shida Kartli for discussing the outcomes of the project with history teachers and pupils


- Develop the website www.gorimaps.ge  


- Identifying the relevant locations in the city with the local representatives and researchers; 


- Installation of the boards (or QR codes) across the city


- Present project outcomes to the local authorities/stakeholders


- Communicate with tourism agencies and tour guides and deliver project products 


- Develop and print physical map with the pins from digital map





Activities Carried Out Withing the Project