Monitoring of web-page of Legal Entity of Public Law – Basic Sapling Forestry
On December 08, 2011 IDFI expert group planned to conduct information transparency and e-Governance (e-Accessibility and technical operability) monitoring of official web-page of LEPL – Basic Sapling Forestry ( within the framework of the project “Monitoring of Information (Internet) Resources of Public Authorities of Georgia“.
It turned out that the official web-page of Legal Entity of Public Law – Basic Sapling Forestrywas not the subject to assessment according to both e-Accessibility (informational) and technical operabilitycontent errors.
It is worth mentioning that within the framework of the project named – “Public Information Database –” IDFI received large amount of information from the mentioned public authority, which emphasizes on one hand, the existence of important public information at Basic Sapling Forestry viewed as a public authority, and on the other hand - the importance of placement of this information on web-page
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IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director