Project Title: Localizing the 2030 Agenda in Georgia
Donor Organization: The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Total Budget: 162.750,00 GEL
Contract Number: 83383644
Duration of the Project:June 15, 2021- February 15, 2022
Summary of the Project
Georgia adopted a comprehensive Decentralization Strategy 2020-2025 in December 2019, making decentralization a key policy priority. This envisages the transfer of more powers and aligned finances to local authorities. If launched coherently, the localization of the Agenda 2030 will support and go hand in hand with the Decentralization Strategy – the latter of which likewise promotes greater citizen participation in decision-making processes to ensure transparency and accountability.
To start the localization process in Georgia, GIZ programme - Good Governance for Local Development (GGLD) - plans a comprehensive analysis of the local SDG-architecture in Georgia. Recommendations, based on this analysis and the detected gaps, shall guide the design and implementation of pilot activities in four selected municipalities to launch the localization process in Georgia. A long-term action plan and further recommendations based on the practically gained experiences through the pilot activities shall lay the grounds for a successful upscaling strategy to comprehensively localize the Agenda 2030 in Georgia.
Main objectives:
- Comprehensive Analysis of local context, gaps and recommendations on SDG localization in Georgian municipalities
- Implementation of first activities to launch the localization of SDGs in four pilot municipalities
To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the following activities will be implemented:
1. Analysis of Current Situation in Georgia and identification of relevant municipal competencies for SDG implementation at the local level. It will contain the following parts:
a) Analysing existing regulations (laws and bylaws) on the role of municipalities in implementing Agenda 2030 at the central and local levels.
b) The current level of awareness and state of implementation of Agenda 2030 on the local level in the four selected pilot municipalities
c) Monitoring and review at the local level.
d) Studying the best international practice
e) Based on the analysis, gaps and needs in Georgia’s current SDG architecture will be identified at the central and local levels.
f) Recommendations - Most importantly, based on the revealed gaps, challenges, international practice and prospects, practical and evidence-based recommendations will be elaborated.
2. Implementation of pilot activities in the four pilot municipalities (based on recommendations of the analysis)
3. The final report of the project will be prepared
4. The final presentation will be organized to present the prepared analysis and elaborated policy recommendations with the participation of wider audience.
Planned Activities and Project Budget
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director