Information session for the representatives of the Batumi City Council on the PPD Quality Tracking Mechanism

News | Social and Economic Policy 22 September 2022

On September 22, 2022, the Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), within the framework of the project "Promoting Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) in Georgia through Monitoring and Awareness Raising ", held an information session with the representatives of the Batumi City Council.


Ramaz Jincharadze, chairman of the Council, Mikheil Kukava, Head of the Economic and Social Policy Department of IDFI, and Nino Chokheli, Deputy Head of the USAID Economic Governance Program, offered welcoming remarks.


Representatives of the parties - "Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia", "United National Movement", “lelo”, and the staff of the Council participated in the meeting.


The participants of the meeting received information about the goals of the project and the results of the assessment carried out in 2021. The second part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion. The members of the Council spoke about their experiences in conducting dialogue, highlighting the platforms that the Council uses to ensure public engagement. In addition, the members of the City Council talked about the factors hindering the dialogue. In addition, the normative acts that can be assessed during 2022 assessment were discussed.


Within the framework of the project, IDFI will assess the quality of public-private dialogue in drafting normative acts in municipalities. In addition, the project aims to raise the awareness of the representatives of the councils in the selected municipalities about the importance of PPD and the quality assessment mechanism.


The information meeting was held with the support of the USAID Economic Governance Program.

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