A delegation of experts from Tajikistan working on the anticorruption strategy visited Tbilisi on 16-19 January. The event was organized by Open Society Foundation of Tajikistan and the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI). The purpose of the visit was to familiarize themselves with the reforms for the purpose of overcoming corruption, the anticorruption strategy and new projects of Georgia, and to share experience in this field.
The Tajikistan delegation was comprised of the representatives of the public sector, civil society organizations and the media. Within the frameworks of the visit meetings were held with the Competition and State Procurements Agency, Civil Service Bureau, as well as representatives of the nongovernmental sector and the media. The guests also visited the Rustavi Public Service Hall and were introduced to the concept of the project and the services offered within. They get acquainted with the basis of the success of the brand and the steps for achieving the resutls. Coordinator of anti-corruption branch at anti-corruption council of Ministry of Justice of Georgia, Natalia Baratashvili discussed the reforms in the field of anti-corruption. At the ened of the meeting delegates were awarded with symbolic passports.
On January 18th the guests from Tajikistan attended to the presentations of Civil Society Organization and Media about the mechanisms to fight against corruption in Georgia. Roundtabel "Civil Society and Media against corruption" took place in Betsy Hotel.
The first session was dedicated to Open Government Partnership. Director of Institute for Development of Freedom of Information, Giorgi Kldiashvili talked about implemented reforms within the framework of OGP and future steps within the action plan.
Chairman of the board of IDFI, Levan Avalishvili presented access to information practice, legislative framewrok for freedom of information. He highlighted the existing problems, negative practices of court and administrative compliants, opaque public institutions.
Representative of Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Lawyer Sulkhan Saladze spoke about Georgian Legislation in the field of fighting against corruption. He presented the vision about new anti-corruption strategy and paid attention to necessity of increasing legitimacy.
Executive director of Economic Policy Research Center presented the project "The Price of the State". During the second phase of the roundtable the floor was given to media representatvies.
Zviad Koridze, the member of Georgian Charter of Jurnalistic, talked about the exising problems in Media, less transparent sources of funding.
The role of media in fighting against corruption and importance of journalism was covered by Nana Naskidashvili (Studia Monitor), Elene Kvanchilashvili (Tabula) and Davit Mchedlidze (Internews). At the end of the meeting media representatives answered the questions of the audience and summarized the results of the meeting.
Center of Anti-corruption Education and Support of Tajikistan and Institute for Developmend of Freedom of Information signed memorandum of understanding. Georgian delegation planned visit in Tajikistan in the framework of the project
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director