According to the latest news in media, the budget of the Parliament of Georgia for the next fiscal year will be 54,695,000 GEL which exceeds the current amount with 2 million GEL. As the First Deputy Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Nodar Ebanoidze stated, added amount will be spent on increasing the basic salary and renewal of the vehicles.
Based on the information, proactively disclosed on the web-page of Parliament of Georgia and provided by the institution on the response to our request, below will be presented the information about the remuneration and the costs of maintenance of the vehicles. In addition, information about various costs of the parliament of Georgia is available on the following link.
According to the 2013 budget execution report of the Parliament of Georgia, the actual cost of the remuneration in 2013 amounted 23 161 127 GEL, which was divided in the following way:
Members of Palriament were not awarded with bonuses in 2013, thus their total income was surplus added to the monthly salary (2000 GEL).
It is notable that 1 367 303,91 GEL, allocated for compensation, was utilized for covering the accommodation expenses of the members of Parliament.
According to the first deputy chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, the increase of the budget of the Parliament of Georgia is caused by the fact that the remuneration of the staff of Parliament of Georgia is the lowest among other institutions in public service sector.
Below you can view the information about the salaries and surpluses of the staff of the parliament of Georgia, defined by the January 18, 2013 order of the Chairman of the parliament.
Unlike the members of the Parliament, staff of Parliament, in 2013 in addition to the salaries and surpluses, received bonuses at the total amount of 2 294 516 GEL. Despite of the fact that the amount of bonuses awarded in 2013 is less compared to the data of 2012 (4 927 587,8 GEL was awarded as bonuses of the staff of the Parliament of Georgia), this fact did not determine the decrease of the incomes of the employees, as unlike the previous year, employees were paid surpluses, almost the same amount as the salary.
As mentioned above, within the frames of the increased budget of 2015, parliament also plans to renew the vehicles. According to the information displayed on the web-page of the Parliament of Georgia, currently 96 vehicles are on the balance of parliament. Maintenance costs of these vehicles in 2013 amounted 278 611, 24 GEL, purchase of spare part – 74 571 GEL, while the technical service costs – 33 790 GEL.
As of February 2013, these 96 vehicles were distributed among the members of Parliament the following way:
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