Name of the project: Gender Equality for Sustainable Development in Guria Region
Supported by: Dekabristen e.V.
Budget: EUR 730
Duration of the Project: September 8 - September 26, 2022
Overall project objectives:
The primary objective of the project is to build capacity of the Municipal Gender Equality Council (established at the level of municipalities in Georgia for the purpose of ensuring regular and coordinated work on gender issues) members and initiate close coordination with reference to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in three self-governing units of Guria: Lanchkhuti Municipality, Ozurgeti Municipality and Chokhatauri Municipality.
The capacity building activity/training aims at incorporating national indicators regarding SDG5 into the annual action plan and long-term gender equality strategy, and raise awareness of the members that will contribute to the meaningful changes - to prevent violence against women and domestic violence, recognize and value domestic work through the provision of public services and raise the visibility and impact of global initiatives.
The training will also address local and innovative actions and solutions that can lead to transformative change toward the SDGs. The IDFI team will determine the SDG Ambassador from each council (contact person) who will be eager to bring a new perspective to the council in course of the SDGs and encourage council members to participate in the global process.
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director