Open Governance and Anti-Corruption

22 November 2014 image

International Practice of Proactive Disclosure

Within the framework of the project, “Improving the Practice of Compliance with the Proactive Disclosure of Public Information Obligation by State Authorities of Georgia”, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) prepared case studies of three foreign countries (Australia, Canada, Italy), describing and analysing their experience of publication of public information online, on the websites of public institutions.

21 November 2014 image

Improving the Practice of Proactive Disclosure of Public Information

Within the auspices of the project, conducted during the period of September-October 2014 IDFI researched to what extent 133 public entities fulfilled their obligation deriving from The Decree on the Electronic Request and Proactive Disclosure of Public Information.

16 November 2014 image

IDFI Discussions in Regions

Discussions “In Control with Your Government” were delivered in the framework of the project “Enhancing E-skills for Controlling Government among Young People”.

7 November 2014 image

New Right to Information Law in Albania

On September 18th 2014 Albania adopted the new Freedom of Information Law, which replaced the legal act applicable in the country from 1999. The New Right to Information Law of Albania, is assessed by many experts as one of the most important steps taken towards transparency and accountability, bringing the legislation in line with the best international standards in the region and beyond. The most important changes introduced by the new legislation are listed in the post. 

6 November 2014 image

The Number of Motions on Secret Surveillance Has Decreased

The Supreme Court of Georgia has fulfilled the obligations taken under Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan 2014-15 and has proactively published on its official website unprecedented statistics on surveillance.

31 October 2014 image

The Number of Officials Prosecuted for Illegal Wiretapping is Still Unknown

In the year of 2014 IDFI has referred to the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, Investigations Service of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the request to provide us with the information on the number of investigations launched on the bases of articles 158 and 159 of the Criminal Code of Georgia. For the detailed ifnormation on  the responces received please reffer to the full text of the post. 

27 October 2014 image

Access to Information Rating at Georgian State Universities

In October 2013 IDFI renewed its project Public Information Database – with the financial support of Open Society Foundation Georgia. Within the auspices of the current project, IDFI has undertaken to assess the access to information practice in different public entities in Georgia. Similar to the activities performed during the previous project, IDFI continues to request information from public entities and assess their rating of access to information.
At this point, IDFI presents its research on the topic of access to information at state universities of Georgia.

16 October 2014 image

Georgian Parliament Renovation Costs

According to amendments made to Georgian constitution in 2009, Kutaisi has been named as the parliamentary city.

15 October 2014 image

IDFI's seminar about Open Government Partnership

IDFI will lead a seminar about OGP issues at Akaki Tsereteli University (Green Hall) on 16th October at 14:00

9 October 2014 image

Seminar on OGP with Journalists

IDFI and Ministry of Justice of Georgia calls journalists for participation in OGP workshop, which will be held on 11th of October at 12:00 (Club FrontLine Georgia, Lado Asatiani Street #62.