Open Governance and Anti-Corruption

20 July 2022 image

Workshop of the Open Governance Council of SCA and its Consultative Group

On July 14-15, the members of the Open Governance Council of the Supreme Council of Ajara and its Consultative Group held a workshop. 

14 July 2022 image

Half of the recommendations issued by GRECO are still unimplemented

On 13 July 2022, the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) published the addendum to the Fourth Evaluation Round second compliance report for Georgia, which evaluates the progress made in implementing the outstanding recommendations since the second compliance report.

14 July 2022 image

IDFI became a member of the Global NPO Coalition on FATF

In June, 2022, IDFI became a member of the Global NPO Coalition on FATF (Financial Action Task Force). The Global NPO Coalition on FATF is a loose network of diverse nonprofit organizations (NPOs).

11 July 2022 image

Problems of judicial control over access to public information

Access to public information is one of the main mechanisms to conduct public control over state government in a legal and democratic state and to improve open and effective governance.

11 July 2022 image

Review of the OECD Pilot Monitoring Report of Georgia on Anti-Corruption Environment

On May 30, 2022, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a report on the assessment of the corruption environment in Georgia. 

5 July 2022 image

IDFI held a presentation of the regional results of the Global Data Barometer (GDB) survey

On July 1, 2022, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information held an online presentation of the regional results of the Global Data Barometer (GDB). 

24 June 2022 image

Organisation and implementation of the Workshop on localisation with Georgian and Belarusian partners

The service contract considered the organization of study trip for Belorussian and German experts in Georgia on the Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

23 June 2022 image

Integrity in Civil Service

Public service integrity is a cornerstone of good governance. The EU enlargement criteria emphasize that countries need to create a strong national public administration where it will be possible to effectively transpose, introduce and implement the principles of good governance.

16 June 2022 image

Panel Discussions: Enhancing Legislative Framework and practices for access to public information in Georgia

On June 15, 2022, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information held panel discussions on "Enhancing Legislative Framework and practices for access to public information in Georgia."


11 June 2022 image

Regional Event: Consequences of the Ukraine invasion on the AML/CFT regime for NPOs in the Eastern Partnership

From 7th to 9th June 2022 EU Global Facility Initiative Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT Global Facility) organized a regional event in Tbilisi.