
23 June 2016 image

Georgia in World Development Report 2016

On May 17, 2016 World Bank published a World Development Report. IDFI presents a detailed overview of the sections of the report that discusses various indicators of Georgia.


16 June 2016 image

Georgia at the London Anti-Corruption Summit

The article reviews the World’s First Anticorruption Summit held in London on May 12. From Georgia, the Summit was attended by Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and Minister of Justice Tea Tsulukiani.

15 June 2016 image

Visa Liberalization for Georgia and Reasons for Its Delay

IDFI issues an articles on visa liberalization. The article reviews procedures of visa liberalization process between Georgia and EU as well as the reasons of possible delay of finalizing this process.

30 May 2016 image

Overpriced Tickets for Teach and Learn with Georgia

IDFI has recently conducted an investigation into the National Center for Teacher Professional Development’s procurement of flights for volunteers participating in its Teach and Learn with Georgia program. Our findings indicate that that there were several irregularities in nine electronic tenders dating back to 2013 and totaling GEL 571,714. As a result, the government may have been significantly overcharged for these flight tickets.

27 May 2016 image

IDFI - Classified Document on Georgia's Independence

IDFI congratulates every citizen and supporter of Georgia with the Independence Day. To mark this occasion, we decided to publish a formerly classified document kept in the archives of the USA. This document is an analytical report on the events taking place in Georgia on 24 April 1990, at an early stage of the Georgian independence movement, prepared by the US Directorate of Intelligence.

27 May 2016 image

IDFI - GPSA Global Partners Forum

2016 Global Partners Forum held on May 19-24 (in Washington) covered almost 75 countries, as there were representatives from different local or international NGOs, governments, private sector or academics. Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) was presented in the framework of Open Government Partnership by Saba Buadze. Buadze delivered his remarks and shared the experience of IDFI on the process of co-creation in the Open Government Partnership.

25 May 2016 image

The Parliament and Civil Society Discuss MP Code of Ethics

On May 20-21, the Georgian Parliament’s Permanent Council on Open and Transparent Governance and its Civil Society Consultative Group held a meeting discussing the MP Code of Ethics. Improving the Code of Ethics is one of the commitments (4.4.) in the Open Parliament Georgia 2015-2016 Action Plan.

23 May 2016 image

EU's New Strategy in the Field of Transportation Infrastructure

The article briefly discusses EU's new strategy in the field of transportation infrastructure and presents the description of the most interesting European corridor for Georgia.

20 May 2016 image

IDFI - Event in Honor of Georgian Officers Executed by Russian Bolsheviks

On May 20, IDFI in cooperation with Tbilisi City Hall, Ministry of Defense and the Archive of Ministry of Internal Affairs organized an event in honor of Georgian officers executed by Russian Bolsheviks in 1923. The event was opened with the Georgian anthem performed by the Defense Ministry's military orchestra. This was followed by a welcoming speech by IDFI director Giorgi Kldiashvili, who spoke about the contribution of the repressive officers to their homeland and their importance of both the past and the future of Georgia.

19 May 2016 image

Transparency of State Agencies - Monitoring Results

The latest monitoring was conducted in May 1-15, 2016. This time, we monitored the websites of the Government Administration and 16mMinistries, and looked for public information from 2015 and the first quarter of 2016. The study examines the practice of proactive disclosure of mandatory public information and compares the results with those of the previous 2014 monitoring.

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